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This paper analyzes the causes of stress and the effects of stress; stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It makes people feel nervous, angry, and frustrated. Stress is a body’s reaction to challenges or demand and it therefore could be positive. However, prolonged stress harms a person’s health. There are two main types of stress. Acute stress which is the most common type is short term and goes away quickly. The second type is chronic stress which lasts for a longer period and if not managed it may lead to health problems.
causes of stress and the effects of stress


The effects of stress vary depending on the type of stress. Stress commonly affects the mood, behavior, and body of an individual. On the body, stress leads to headaches, muscle pain, and tension, fatigue, and change in sex drive. Due to its effect on the digestive system, it causes stomach upset from indigestion. Due to the effects on the brain, stress leads to sleep problems. The causes of stress also lead to anxiety and restlessness, lack of focus, and feeling overwhelmed. It also leads to anger and sadness which could lead to depression. Stress also affects persona behavior through overeating or undereating, anger outbursts, drug misuse, less exercising, and social withdrawal. Some extreme cases of stress lead to suicide or death.
 effects of stress on the body


The following are the causes of stress among teenagers. Homework and schoolwork is a common cause of stress. Expectations and pressure from the family to do well in school also cause stress. Lack of sleep is a cause of stress that is shown by getting to bed late than usual. The lack of time and having too much to do makes them feel unprepared therefore causes stress. Extracurricular commitments in school and other places pressurize them causing stress. Social relationships with friends and lovers and issues of sex are also a common cause of stress. All these causes have visible effects of stress which vary depending on the type of stress.
causes of stress among teenagers

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