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This paper discusses healthcare in rural areas and public health services. Access to healthcare services is critical to good health. Rural area residents face a variety of barriers to this access that limits their ability to obtain the care they need. Despite the adequate supply of healthcare services in the community, factors like finance, transportation, confidence, trust, and belief towards the services and the healthcare workers. Public health services ensure the prevention of diseases, prolonged life, and promote rural health through efforts with society. It not only eradicates particular diseases but also focuses on the spectrum of health and wellbeing.
 healthcare in rural areas and public health services


Public health services have three main functions. These are assessment, policy development, and assurance. Assessment is when these services monitor the health status of the community. This is through conducting diagnosis and investigate possible health hazards in the community. The assessment also evaluates the effectiveness and accessibility of healthcare in rural areas. Policy development entails the development of plans and policies that support community health efforts. Thus, these policies ensure the enforcement of laws and regulations that ensure the safety and prevention of diseases. Assurance links the community to the needed health services and assures the provision of good services. It also educated people about health issues and mobilizes them to solve health problems.
 core functions of public health services


Improvement of healthcare in rural areas can use the following ways. Engagement of professional health workers to educate and follow up on the health outcomes of the community. Increase support for non-profit healthcare organizations and public health services through federal funding. This ensures vulnerable patients with no ability to pay for access to healthcare services. Also expanding medical school training and learning experiences into rural areas impart knowledge onto learners who help in the prevention of diseases. Initiating of screening programs for basic health promotion through partnerships with healthcare professionals promotes good health. Lastly the provision of consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services remotely to patients who cannot access healthcare facilities.
 ways to improve healthcare in rural areas

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