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Workplace risk assessment is a practice that entails coming up with risk control measures. Fundamentally, it is the process of evaluating the risks to the safety of workers and health from the hazards in the workplace. Furthermore, it is a vital element for safety and health management. The main objective of risk assessment is to determine the measures that an organization requires to comply with statutory duty by reducing the level of accidents.  Additionally, every organization needs several people to attend risk assessment training to ensure that they gain abilities such as hazard identification and are competent within the organization.

Read more on workplace risk assessment and risk control measures at;


Primarily, workplace risk assessment begins with the identification of hazards. These are things within the organization that have the potential to cause harm. Moreover, there are several techniques for identifying hazards in the workplace. Additionally, the next step is determining who the hazard can cause harm to. The organization then evaluates the risk and decides on appropriate risk control measures. Furthermore, it can eliminate that hazard or control the risk to effectively reduce the level of accidents. Also, it is important to record the findings to show the plans of the organization to eliminate the risks and hazards.

Read more on the steps of workplace risk assessment at;


At the top of the hierarchy of risk control measures, an organization works to eliminate the hazard. It eliminates the risk of exposure hence significantly reducing the level of accidents. Also, the organization can substitute the hazard with lesser risk. Resultantly, this may not remove all the hazards and may introduce other hazards with lesser harm. In the process of workplace risk assessment, the organization can isolate the hazard. This is by limiting the access to equipment and plant. It may also opt to use engineering controls to place a barrier between the hazard and the people.

Read more on the hierarchy of risk control measures at;

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