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Enterprise resource planning is a process that involves forecasting the future of the enterprise. Resource planning is the process of determining the resources and the right amount that an organization requires to perform project activities. Additionally, it enables a company to achieve better use of the most precious resources. In resource planning, the enterprise creates strategies on how and where it will obtain its resources. Furthermore, a resource plan is a primary factor in resource management. Moreover, the resource managers need to adjust and accept the resource plans before a project begins.

Read more on enterprise resource planning and forecasting the future at;


Initially, during enterprise resource planning, it is important to plan the project. This involves acquiring the most precious resources and assigning people to the project. Moreover, the enterprise should set up a resource management meeting to react to possible conflicts in resource planning and to ensure resource optimization. Also, it is important to track the working rate of people to help in evaluating the efficiency of the resource plans. Furthermore, forecasting the future and monitoring the overall resourcing situation is crucial to determine how well the enterprise is performing. The enterprise also needs to update its resource plan continuously to ensure that it is efficient.

Read more on important steps in enterprise resource planning at;


Forecasting the future is crucial for any startup business. This is because the success of the new business relies on the accuracy of the forecast. Additionally, forecasting helps in enterprise resource planning and preparation of other business plans. Furthermore, it provides necessary information for managerial planning. Also, forecasting helps to estimate the financial needs of a company for acquiring the most precious resources and other requirements. Resultantly, this prevents instances of inadequate capital. Forecasting provides a logical basis for planning and determining the nature of the future business operations which is crucial in managerial decision making.

Read more on the advantages of forecasting the future at;

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