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Understanding organized and disorganized serial predators and serial killer behavior can be quite challenging. All serial killers have a compulsive need to commit murder. This ‘need’ to kill is like an addiction that leads them to commit more murders. Professionals who conduct serial criminals profiling report differing focus and reason for killing for serial murderers. Some serial killers are focused on the act of killing, while others are focused on the process of killing. Organized serial killers plan carefully, and most leave little to no evidence at the crime scene. Therefore, this gives courts a hard time solving serial murder cases. On the other hand, disorganized crimes have little planning ahead of them. Such criminals leave a lot of evidence.
Read more of understanding organized and disorganized serial predators at 


Serial murder cases have been happening since ancient times. Most involve sexual homicide, serial murder, and other areas of sexual proclivity. However, such cases are relatively rare. One of the most known cases involved an individual who called himself ‘Jack the Ripper.’ The police had a tough time understanding this serial killer’s behavior. Other than this case, many people get information regarding serial murders from movies. However, these films lack accurate serial criminals profiling of the said murders. They focus on the atrocities inflicted on victims. This only lends more confusion to the actual dynamics of serial murder. Even professionals such as prosecutors and pathologists have limited exposure to serial murder, which makes the issue more challenging to understand.
Read more of the issues surrounding serial murder at 


Serial criminals profiling helps to understand the behavioral patterns and psychology of serial killers. Early childhood is key to the formation of a serial killer. Many serial killers faced some form of isolation in their childhood. In other serial murder cases, serial killers tend to have a history suffering from weight problems, stutters, and learning problems such as dyslexia. As a result of bullying, they tend to develop secret aggressive fantasies. Such aggressions lead to a pattern in the serial killers’ behavior. Loneliness may lead to the evolution of these fantasies. Some serial killers are hateful of the way the parents brought them up, especially ‘monster mothers.’
Read more of the psychology of a serial killer at 

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