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Understanding and managing conflicts in healthcare is an unavoidable topic. In almost any career, conflicts are frequent and, therefore, essential to managing the conflicts. Disputes in a healthcare setting range from everyday disagreements to significant controversies. The results are litigation or, in rare cases, even violence. The conflicts can arise between physicians, staff, healthcare teams, patients, or patient’s families. Whatever the nature of conflicts in healthcare, they almost invariably harm productivity and patient care. Additionally, they negatively impact efficiency, and they can lead to miscommunication, poor morale, and high staff turnover. The best way to manage conflict is to prevent it or reduce its frequency and intensity. Preventing conflicts is done by establishing a professional code of conduct. Managing and understanding conflicts in healthcare get achieved through the policies kept in place.

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The cause of conflicts in healthcare is mainly compounding factors. Bowwi notes that bullying or mobbing behaviors are increasing in the workplace, mainly due to the economic climate. Moreover, decreasing job security is pitting staff against their colleagues. Rapid organizational change, coupled with an economic downturn, maybe a trigger for managers to use bullying on subordinates. Understanding and managing conflicts in healthcare in the wake of these organizational changes is crucial. Workload and pace change lead to weakened social relations in the workplace, thereby increasing the risk of conflict. Government-related issues, such as statutory inspections and targets introduced to help ensure safety, can also add to the pressure. Lastly, Analyzing the multiple views of conflict is one way of managing and understanding conflicts in healthcare.

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Conflicts in healthcare are typical due to the ordinary fact that wherever there are people, there are always conflicts. Opinions vary, and miscommunication and misunderstandings occur. People have different values and priorities, and most of us resist change. All of these things create conflict in our life and work. The problem is not conflicting itself, but instead how we deal with it. Also,  Effective conflict management strategies are effective in managing conflicts in healthcare. One conflict management strategy is dealing with the situation. Most people prefer to avoid conflict. Avoiding conflicts seldom is the right solution, and it usually leads to feelings of regret and guilt. Dealing with conflict situations helps build courage and self-esteem. The use of a mediator is another conflict management strategy. Mediators are not biased, therefore helpful in managing and understanding conflicts in healthcare.

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