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This dissertation looks into the theories of criminology and the policymaking process. Professionals in the field of criminology study the reasons for committing crime and people’s behavior in particular situations. Understanding the motivations for committing crimes helps us develop ways to rehabilitate criminals for crime prevention. Choice theory argues that individuals have various considerations before deciding whether or not to proceed with crimes. These include the opportunities presented and the benefits versus the punishment for committing the crime. This theory is similar to the classical theory, which ascertains that individuals decide to commit crimes because they believe the act to be advantageous. Other theories of criminology include conflict, critical, labeling, life course, and positivist theories.
 theories of criminology and the policymaking process


There are four main stages of the policymaking process. They are agenda-building, formulation and adoption, implementation, and evaluation, and termination. A problem must exist to call for governments” attention. Most countries can tolerate certain levels of crime. When crime rates rise unexpectedly, this calls for policymakers to develop solutions for crime prevention. Formulating policies involves the input of various government groups, such as courts and parliaments or Congress. Party leaders also get a chance to present their proposals. It is important to note that each country adopts a different policymaking process. However, most policies for preventing crime borrow from the theories of criminology.
stages of the policymaking process


Governments develop various strategies and public safety and security programs for crime prevention. The basis for these strategies is the understanding that each crime has its root causes. There is a wide range of factors that compel individuals to engage in crime. They include family structures, surrounding environments, and situational factors. Thus, determining the right factors to address requires a look into the theories of criminology. Various global trends affect the social and economic conditions of regions and countries. Consequently, these trends influence the patterns of crime in these areas. For example, international organized crime often capitalizes on weak government structures and institutions with substandard policymaking processes.
policies and concepts of crime prevention

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