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The SPM 633.301 sociology of sport and the Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary article discusses deviant behaviour in sports. Deviance refers to behaviour that goes against widely accepted traditions, values, and laws of society. Notably, deviant behaviour in sports has existed over many years throughout the world. Primarily, a deviant act within sports depends upon the time and place and the judge. The determination of deviant behaviour is thus a social process. However, deviant behaviour in sports is not enough as there has to be a reaction that follows. Thus, the essay will look at the sociology of sport by analyzing the Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary.

SPM 633.301  information on the sociology of sport


The Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary helps in understanding how deviant behaviour occurs in sports. The documentary examines the use of steroids by the director, Christopher Bell and his two brothers. Mainly, the three all grew up looking up to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hulk Hogan, and Sylvester Stallone. Moreover, the documentary features professional athletes, fitness centre members, medical experts, and a US congressman. Deviant behaviour in sports gets analyzed throughout the documentary, and it also looks at topics such as the use of anxiety drugs among athletes. The sociology of sport and Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary essay highlights deviant behaviour in sports and its effects.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary and deviance in sports


Deviant behaviour in sports has become a significant issue that affects the face of sports globally. Mainly, it is easier to classify sports as either indoor or outdoor, professional or amateur. However, a definition that encompasses all the activities that people call sports while excluding everything is difficult to formulate. Importantly, Jay Coakley describes sport as an institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigorous physical exertion. Also, it involves the use of relatively complex physical skills by individuals. Mainly, individuals get motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Lastly, the assignment helps in understanding the sociology of sport by looking at the Bigger, Stronger, Faster summary.

deviant behaviour in sports and sociology of sport

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