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This essay discusses the risk factors of Clostridium difficile and  prevention of Clostridium difficile. Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. It is transmitted from person to person by the fecal-oral route, shed in feces. However, certain risk factors of Clostridium difficile increase the chances of developing the disease. They include taking antibiotics or staying in a health facility. C. difficile can produce toxins that attack the lining of the intestine. Also, other complications of Clostridium difficile include kidney failure and a bowel perforation.  Fortunately, C difficile can be prevented by careful adherence to contact precautions, thorough hand hygiene before and after patient encounters, and daily cleaning of patient rooms. Thus, the prevention of Clostridium difficile involves the participation of both patients, health workers, and other unaffected individuals.

Read more on the risk factors and prevention of Clostridium difficile at


Risk factors of Clostridium difficile include taking antibiotics or other medications that may destroy some of the usual, helpful bacteria. They include fluoroquinolones and Clindamycin. Secondly, the majority of C. difficile infections occur in people in a health care setting such as hospitals, where germs spread freely, and individuals are vulnerable to infections. Lastly, having one C. difficile infection, a severe illness, or medical procedure such as abdominal surgery increases the chances of developing the disease. Complications of Clostridium difficile infections include severe diarrhea, which can lead to a significant loss of fluids and electrolytes. Others include megacolon, kidney failure, bowel perforation, peritonitis, and even Death. In conclusion, C. difficile is a viral infectious disease. Therefore, individuals, hospitals, and other health care facilities should follow strict infection-control guidelines in the prevention of Clostridium difficile.

Read more on the risk factors and complications of Clostridium difficile at


The prevention of Clostridium difficile includes measures like avoiding unnecessary use of antibiotics and only taking prescribed medicines that have a narrow range. Secondly, patients, health workers, and visitors should practice good hand hygiene by washing hands using soap and warm water. Also, health workers should carefully disinfect all surfaces with a product that contains chlorine bleach. The latter is effective against some of the risk factors of Clostridium difficile. Lastly, People hospitalized with C. difficile should have a private room or share with someone who has the same illness. The treatment of C. difficile depends on the severity of the infection. Thus, treatment measures include the use of antibiotics, fecal transplant, or surgery. In conclusion, the complications of Clostridium difficile may affect the normal functioning of individuals. Therefore, early diagnosis is vital for effective treatment and prevention.

Read more on the treatment and prevention of Clostridium difficile at

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