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Productive executive leadership involves monitoring organizational performance and introducing the organization into ways of doing things. Additionally, it covers a wide range of areas such as organization structure, procedures, competencies of the people, and performance management systems. Moreover, an organization exercises executive leadership through a command and control structure, or a system of policies and quality assurance processes. Furthermore, an organization can use these quality assurance processes to improve organizational performance. Organizational performance is the actual output or result of an organization. Also, an organization measures its performance against its goals and objectives.


Primarily, productive executive leadership entails maintaining a competitive advantage in a fast-changing world. Additionally, this requires a constant inflow of fresh ideas to develop fundamental strategies. Also, an effective leader should know the roles, support requirements, and mission of every part of an organization. This helps them in working towards the goals and objectives. Moreover, executive leadership also involves monitoring organizational performance and giving specific training to each sector of the organization. Also, it provides analytical tools to help in decision making.

Read more on the key essentials in productive executive leadership at;


Monitoring organizational performance begins with observing the team. Observing the employees enables the organization to know their strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, this enables an organization to identify ways of improving and communicating how they can achieve their goals and objectives. Also, productive executive leadership in an organization should create work plans to provide a focus. Additionally, it should also engage employees in deciding and agreeing on targets and timescales for work plans. An organization should also encourage the use of self-monitoring tools which enable employees to monitor their own goals and deadlines. Giving and encouraging feedback also encourage a team to keep on top of their progress.

Read more on the ways of monitoring organizational performance at;

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