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Studies more than account for the purposes and benefits of bereavement groups. After the loss of a loved one, we experience a wide variety of feelings and emotions. We, therefore, need a support system to help us as we move through our grief journey. While family and friends are vital, unless they have experienced a close personal loss, they mostly don’t fully understand. That is where support groups become a valuable resource. Grief support groups offer companionship and understanding from others who have experienced a similar loss. In a culture that often avoids talking about loss, support groups provide the opportunity to share one’s story openly. Support groups offer a chance to begin the healing process by sharing stories and hearing the stories of others. The benefits and purposes of bereavement groups also include discovering ideas to keep loved ones present in our hearts.

For more information on the purposes and benefits of bereavement groups, click


The purpose and benefits of bereavement groups also bring into existence the pitfalls of the groups. Instillation of hope is one of the positives. People in the acute phase of grief have contact with those who are much further along in their healing. Another positive of the support groups is the universality it provides for grieving individuals since one is not alone. Pitfalls of the grief support groups include overwhelming feelings. Though it is helpful to be in the presence of someone else’s emotions, sometimes it is too much. The people themselves are also considered a pitfall. The monopolizer, inconsiderate, or harmful person can quickly reduce groups’ chances of feeling safe. Bad advice is also a pitfall of bereavement groups that is experienced by some of the members. The purposes of bereavement groups should remain as offering consolation to avoid the pitfalls associated with the group.

For more information on the benefits of bereavement groups and its pitfalls, click


Mission Hospice, as one of the grief support groups, offers bereavement support for those who are grieving. The organization provides to help one learn about the grief process, express one’s feelings of grief and other solutions. Mission Hospice professionals host free grief support groups open to the community, although donations are gratefully accepted. The group meetings schedule is according to the loss, which is one of the benefits of bereavement groups. On the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, it is the turn for those experiencing spouse or partner loss. On 3rd Thursday, those suffering suicide losses have their turn. Those experiencing a different loss other than the two stated also have their turn as indicated on their website. The organization also offers workshops and memorial services. Individual counseling is one of the benefits and purposes of bereavement groups.

For more information on mission hospice as one of the grief support groups, click

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