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The 911 terror attack and aftermath of 911 is something today’s freshmen can only read. September 2019 marks the 18th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack in world history. It also marks a generational shift, with American children born after that date entering adulthood. The 9/11 attacks and their immediate aftermath belong to an era before social media. The number of deaths on that day was ten times more than any terror attack deaths in the USA. The worst jihadi attack on U.S. soil since then is Omar Mateen’s killings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. In addition to its unique lethality, 9/11 was also an outlier in terms of competence and capability. Mohamed Atta, the commander of the 19 hijackers of the 911 attack was an exceptional individual. The 911 terror attack and aftermath of 911 on America is increased vigilance by the country.

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The 911 terror attack and aftermath of 911 defined Bush’s presidency as the global war on terrorism. Bush initially downplayed the terrorist threat, casting aside warnings from the outgoing administration about al Qaeda plot. The defining of his presidency was after the occurrence of the terror attack. The global war on terrorism involved the torture of detainees, the incarceration of suspects in black sites among other activities. The aftermath of 911 included warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens and prolonged costly military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama expanded the fight against terrorists to new theaters by dramatically increasing the use of drone strikes. He also devoted the later years of his presidency to the struggle against the Islamic State. Trump has also reduced terror attack deaths in the USA through his counterterrorism operations.

For more information on the long shadow of the 911 terror attack, click


The events of the 9/11 terror attack have seen the world change in many profound ways. A small band of terrorists, are to blame for changing most of our lives, perhaps forever. Questions of security now permeate our lives. When considering a business trip or holiday, we now routinely factor into the equation, a destination’s safety. While the security at airports is thorough, the 911 terror attack and aftermath of 911 still make us afraid. Terrorist organizations have harvested the globalization process to improve their methods of operation through the use of local materials. Perhaps the best example of this is the fact that Al Qaeda used locally-sourced American-made to destroy America. Smaller terrorist groups will develop the ability to carry out attacks that will cause mass death. The terror attack deaths in the USA will rise unless America takes advanced measures.

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