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This article focuses on the personalist concept of public administration in helping the homeless. We continue to observe a rising number of homeless people, and we must do something to counter the situation. With the principle of the common good and other constitutional principles, we need to create better social protection systems. Public institutions should reanalyze their obligations towards homeless people from the human dignity perspective. We must get rid of negligence in the regulation of defining tasks of the general government and the lack of national strategy in this field. Homelessness also falls under public health issues. Lastly, homeless men and women, many living with disabling conditions, are joining a population of “the unsheltered” and “forgotten” homeless.
Read more of the personalist concept of public administration and homelessness at 


Social protection systems need to address homelessness as a global problem that affects people in both developed and developing countries. This will require innovative policies and inclusive partnerships. Homelessness is a harmful form of systemic discrimination and social exclusion in regard to public health issues. Homelessness results in the unraveling of working-class communities, substance abuse, and “unchecked gentrification.” We should focus on helping the homeless through adequate, accessible, and affordable housing. We should also expand the existing social protection systems to include measures to mitigate the impact of climate change. We also need sensitization campaigns and initiatives through public policies aimed at helping the homeless.
Read more of the economic policies key to ending homelessness at 


This section includes details of viewing homelessness as a public health issue. Those experiencing homelessness have high rates of chronic mental and physical health conditions, co-occurring disorders, and barriers to health care and affordable housing. Homeless individuals also overuse emergency services, leading to higher treatment costs. Additionally, social protection systems need to develop evidence-based strategies aimed at ending end homelessness by increasing access to housing options and supportive services for housing stability. This would be a massive improvement in helping the homeless. For example, we can introduce the Housing First model, housing subsidies for extremely low-income families, and permanent supportive housing services for those with complex health needs.
Read more of housing and homelessness as a public health issue at

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