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This assignment focuses on chronic diseases and conditions related to addiction to alcohol. Too much alcohol consumption increases the risk of having chronic diseases. One must be aware of the average and frequency of consuming alcohol in a given period of time. The quality of alcoholic beverages consumed also has a causal impact on the mortality and morbidity related to chronic diseases and conditions. These conditions are more than twenty, and alcohol plays a component-risk role in certain cancers. Nowadays, many medical professionals treat alcoholism as a chronic disease. The addiction to alcohol also leads to other tumors, neuropsychiatric conditions, and numerous cardiovascular and digestive disorders.
Read more of the chronic diseases and conditions related to alcohol use at 


This section reviews the details of treating alcoholism as a chronic disease. Alcohol use disorders are recurring, chronic conditions that involve multiple cycles of treatment, abstinence, and relapse. Therefore, treatments may include continued care to prevent and reduce the risk of relapse. With an addiction to alcohol, most medical professionals recommend initial intensive inpatient or outpatient care based on 12-step principles. Afterward, continued care through self-help groups, 12-step group counseling, or individual therapy is equally important. The quality of alcoholic beverages affects the recovery process, as well. Hard liquor is challenging to quit and is more addictive. Alternative treatments include increasingly blurring the distinction between initial and continuing care. Lastly, the aim is to prolong treatment participation by providing a continuum of care.
Read more of treating alcoholism as a chronic disease at 


Addiction to alcohol has many causes and symptoms. The dependency on alcohol may be due to an alcoholism history in the family, frequent drinking for a long time, or depression, and other mental health problems. As time goes by, alcoholics move toward lesser qualities of alcoholic beverages as it gives them ‘more high’ in a short period. The main symptom of alcoholism is the inability to control the frequency and amount with which one drinks alcohol. One may even be unable to quit drinking even after experiencing significant negative repercussions, such as job losses. From there, health facilities should treat such alcoholism as a chronic disease. Therefore, this will help to prevent or reduce other symptoms like increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, and other adverse consequences.
Read more of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of alcoholism at 

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