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There are numerous debates surrounding the best strategy to counter ISIL as a trans-regional threat. Professionals offer various opinions regarding the ISIS threat overview. The basis for most alternatives is the different ways used to engage U.S. military forces. They include aggressive rollback, containment, and disengagement. There is a need to focus on policy change beyond the military dimension as part of terrorism risk management. The U.S. should review the environment in which violent extremist groups thrive. These entail aspects of injustice, poor security measures, and political representations. Balancing the aims and objectives of the anti-ISIL campaign will be a significant step in limiting the territorial ambitions of such violent extremist groups.
Read more of the strategy to counter ISIL as a trans-regional threat at


One of the primary aims of terrorism risk management teams is to gather credible evidence free from political and other interventions. The behavior of people is vital because there are metrics for measuring behavioral changes in violent extremist groups. However, there exist disagreements on the best measuring parameters. One interesting one is the Violent Extremism Evaluation Measurement (VEEM) framework. It has an interactive table that gives suggestions for the right tools to measure individual and group attributes of those associated with violent extremism. For example, regarding the ISIS threat overview, VEEM could measure their attitudes, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, often referred to as elements of ‘radicalization.’
Read more of the framework for evaluating counter violent extremism projects at


To deal with violent extremist groups effectively, there is a need to develop working terrorism risk management programs. Most organizations do not have the necessary information and resources to counter-terrorist activities. This includes ways to mitigate various solutions if any. Terrorism risk management programs provide logical and systematic frameworks for identifying and dealing with potential terrorist threats. They deal with threat identification and initial site assessment, detailed risk assessment, and risk management. Conducting counter-terrorist measures, such as the ISIS threat overview will help organizations in protecting facilities and their occupants. It will also improve emergency planning and disaster recovery, as well as reduce associated financial risks.
Read more of developing a terrorism risk management program at

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