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This essay discusses the emerging technologies, benefits, and challenges of innovation in aviation. The emerging technologies of aviation are changing the landscape and digital revolution of the industry. They include block chain Technology to improve security systems. Augmented and Virtual Reality to help passengers navigate the complex layout of the Airport for example Gatwick airport. Artificial Intelligence for predictive analysis. E.g. Easy Jet. Beacons technology updated with relevant passenger information for easy airport navigation e.g. MIAMI International airport. Robotics in assisting with customer management. Biometrics are used for speeding up the check-in process. Mobile platforms are used to connect with customers throughout the passenger journey for instance Delta Airlines. Despite the challenges of innovation in aviation, travel experiences are set to become more personalized, valuable, and technologically enhanced

Read more on the emerging technologies and benefits of innovation in aviation at


The various challenges of innovation in aviation include the risks associated with incorporating new technologies. They include the complexity of technologies in the airport microsystem and difficulties of ‘transplanting’ digital concepts into people’s day-to-day roles. The digital technologies require clarity of purpose and sustained commitment, to achieve the benefits of innovation in aviation. At the same time, airports recognize a need to maintain business continuity which may be overwhelming in adherence to the new technologies. Also, some connectivity issues may arise for instance, when transitioning from pilot schemes to full-scale implementation. Airports must contend with lengthy and complicated RFP and procurement processes to implement any new IT product or solution. This can hinder making agile decisions. Some emerging technologies of aviation may be costly to implement and prioritization decisions may be a problem, especially for smaller airports.

Read more on the challenges of innovation in aviation at


The benefits of innovation in aviation include improved maintenance and safety regimes e.g. block chain system for security and customer data management. Automated and faster inspection e.g. Drones to scan fuselages. More efficient, environmentally friendly routes that cut emissions. Electronic flight bags (EFBS) and document management software have enabled pilots to access a wide range and update information. Easy navigation of complex airport structures by passengers e.g. beacon technology. The emerging technologies in aviation are revolutionizing air travel across the world. They have resulted in more efficient, more comfortable, and eco-friendly flights. Instant and automated bookings that will save time and leave passengers more time to spend at the airport’s bars and shops pre-flight. Increased check-in process through the use of biometrics. Despite the numerous benefits of emerging technologies, there are various challenges of innovation in aviation.

Read more on the benefits of innovation in aviation and their examples at

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