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This dissertation explores the dangers of marijuana and issues of medical marijuana legalization. The main issue with marijuana relates to addiction. About ten percent of marijuana users become addicted, which affects their routine activities. Other problems associated with the use of marijuana include cardiac issues, neurological problems, respiratory issues, and complications with pregnancies. People should be aware of the details pertaining to these problems due to increased marijuana consumption. Marijuana consumption increases the heart rate, making the heart vulnerable to heart attacks. Neurological issues are related to changed environmental perceptions, impaired thought processes, and reaction time. These dangers of marijuana also affect unborn children when pregnant women consume the drug.

Read more on the dangers of marijuana and issues of medical marijuana legalization at 


Currently, 33 states in the U.S have medical marijuana legalization. The rules concerned with medical marijuana vary in each state but not recognized federally. The use of marijuana for therapeutic and medicinal purposes dates back to the 27th century BC. However, the laws pertaining to marijuana use were very restrictive. Nowadays, there is increased marijuana consumption, especially among youths. People use it in various forms, such as the dried plant, edible snacks, nasal spray, oils, and pills. However, the federal government recognizes marijuana as a schedule 1 drug. There is an urgent need to address the dangers of marijuana to guide consumption and manage effects.

Read more on the status of medical marijuana legalization at


People are using marijuana now more than ever. However, most users are not familiar with the dangers of marijuana. About 8% of young adults smoke marijuana on a routine basis. This is more prevalent in those who do not get college enrollment (13% compared to 4.9%). The biggest issue for these young adults is reduced physical and cognitive abilities. Most marijuana users attribute the issue to medical marijuana legalization in most states. As a result, very few users understand the problems associated with marijuana. Misinformation is leading to more addiction, involvement in risky sexual behaviors, and increased marijuana consumption. School personnel can play a role in reducing marijuana use by college students by educating them on these dangers.

Read more on increased marijuana consumption among young adults at 

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