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This essay discusses banana wine, its recipe and benefits. Banana wine is a sweet-smelling homemade beverage with a light fruit flavor, honey color, and a unique taste. The main ingredients are ripe bananas.  It can be made sweet or dry depending upon the banana wine recipe being used and it can blend with other wines for more body and flavor. Bananas are packed with sugars which makes them perfect for wine-making and also a major source of energy. This is one of the benefits of banana wine. Banana pairs perfectly with lots of other fruits and spices thus can constitute different recipes. The banana wine has a long history in the Philippines, South India, East Africa, and Central America. Banana wine is not the same as banana beer, which also has a long history in many parts of East Africa.

Read more on banana wine, the recipe and the benefits of banana wine at


The sweetness level of banana wine vary with the amount of ingredients. They include: ripe bananas, dry yeast, sugar, and water. The banana wine recipe involves; boiling ¼ liter of water to 170° F, transferring to a sterile ceramic jar, adding yeast, mixing well and covering the jar until the yeast has completely proofed. Chopping bananas (with skin intact), adding sugar, yeast and any other preferred ingredient and stirring gently. Covering the jar and letting sit in a warm place for 15 days, stirring every few days. Racking the wine into sterilized bottles, closing tightly, and keeping in a dark and cool place for another 2 months. Similar to any other wine, it gets better as it ages developing into a golden liquid.

Read more on the banana recipe at


The benefits of banana wine are tremendous especially towards health. They include improving brain activity and encapsulates it from any mechanical damage due to the potassium component. Lowers blood pressure and aids in the prevention of hypertension due to potassium that lowers the flow of blood across the body. Banana wine is an excellent health tonic that also aids in digestion. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A has several functions ranging from nourishing the optic nerve, rejuvenating the skin, overhauling damaged cells, promote good eyesight, etc.  Vitamin C repairs damaged cells and worn out tissues. A good source of fibers and sugars making them a good energy source. Also known to reduce, stroke risk, depression, anemia, heartburn, stress, ulcers, constipation, and diarrhea. Therefore, care should be taken in preparing the banana wine recipe.

Read more on the benefits of banana recipe at

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