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With advancements in technology, it is crucial to address the ethics of neurotechnology and brain technology regulations. It is easier to obtain personal information from people’s patterns of behavior. New technologies allow for data tracking and auditing if the user gives consent to the insertion of brain-computer interface devices. Neurotechnology gives users transparent control over the use of this data. Another issue relates to agency and identity. The use of brain-computer interface devices causes complications of loss of identity for some users. Some become unsure of their interactions and the level of control over word choice. People using the assistance of neurotechnologies experience discrimination. However, this is likely to change as society adopts enhanced technologies.

Read more on the ethics of neurotechnology and brain technology regulations at 


Given that very few people understand the science behind neuroethology, it is important to question brain technology regulations. There is a need to understand the implications of neurotechnology and develop international standards, best practices, and dedicated legal instruments. Some of the issues to address include the level of human control over brain-computer interface devices and the possibilities of human and algorithmic biases. It is also essential to incorporate ethical considerations and measures to avoid any form of harm to the users. We must integrate human ethics and the ethics of neurotechnology to achieve desirable outcomes. For example, there should be public forums that address military applications of neurotechnology so that more people can gain a better understanding of the technology.

Read more on the future questions on brain technology regulations at


Brain-computer interface devices create a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. This helps with regulating the functioning of sensory organs and limbs. These devices are becoming increasingly crucial in healthcare. They can restore some level of normal functioning for patients with amputated parts and those with paralysis. However, the ethics of neurotechnology must entail the issue of consent, as some people would prefer ‘normal’ operations. The devices can also help people to have a better interaction with the environment. However, there are concerns over the information relayed over these devices and the extent of potential exploitation. Therefore, brain technology regulations should address issues of cybercrime to protect users.

Read more on the security issues in brain-computer interface devices at 

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