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This paper analyzes the effects of climate change on sea turtle species. For every 1000 sea turtle eggs hatched, only one reaches adulthood due to obstacles and predators. Climate change is a new problem in the life of the sea turtle. These species use the beaches as their habitat and breeding sites. With the rise in sea levels and strong waves erode the beaches,  therefore destroying this habitat. Also, the increase in ocean temperature causes a change in the ocean currents which harms the coral reefs used as hideouts, therefore, exposing them to predators.
effects of climate change on sea turtle species


The negative effects of climate change are evident in both humans and wildlife. Climate change is causing a rise in sea levels and increased ocean temperature. This poses a risk to the lives of the polar bears on the arctic. Longer and intense droughts are a result of climate change which is threatening crops and water supply to wildlife and humans. Sea turtle species face the impacts of climate change on their nesting sites. This is when it alters sand temperatures, therefore, affecting the sex of hatchlings
 negative effects of climate change


There exist several sea turtle species. This includes the leatherback species, green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, kemp’s ridley species, olive ridley species, the flat back, and pancake tortoise. All these species use the beaches as a nesting site. Due to the effects of climate change,  the rise in sea level and increased ocean temperatures threatens their lives. This exposes them not only to heat irritation but also to the risk of predators.
 examples of sea turtle species

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