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This paper looks into community health promotion and self-health awareness, Health promotion entails improving and protecting of the health of the public. Its achievement is through planning activities and programs that improve population health outcomes. These initiatives empower the population to make healthier choices and reduce the risk of diseases and disabilities. Self-health awareness is the process of examination of one’s health. Lastly,  it is one important component in nurse-client relationships. Self-health awareness is a major step in the promotion of community health.
 community health promotion and self-health awareness


Community health promotion involves various strategies. Creation of a supportive environment whereby the public has a place where they can easily access medical assistance at an affordable cost. Development of personal skills is also a strategy whereby the public is taught basic skills like first aid which saves lives in case of an emergency. These personal skills also help to reduce the risk of diseases.  Strengthening community action by educating them on the importance of self-health awareness helps the community to be cautious about their personal health. Lastly, the reorientation of public services by ensuring there are enough health care facilities and health care workers for the public.
 strategies of community health promotion


Self-health awareness in important for the well-being of an individual. Community health promotion begins with self-health awareness. The importance of self-health awareness is that it increases productivity. This is whereby an individual is of sound mind and therefore they can concentrate on their daily activities, therefore, achieving their goals. It also promotes better health. This is whereby an individual is aware of the functioning of their immune system and their health condition. Therefore, better health reduces mortality and the risk of diseases. Self-health awareness also reduces stress and anxiety which promotes the mental well-being of an individual.
 importance of self-health awareness

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