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The creation of Adam’s painting by Michelangelo is in the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome. The painting is located next to the Creation of Eve and the Congregation of the Waters. The Creation of Adam differs from typical Creation scenes painted up until that time. The two figures dominating the scene are God on the right and Adam on the left. Michelangelo’s painting hidden symbols are evident when God is in a state that is accessible to man. Adam, on the other hand, is a lounging figure who rather lackadaisically responds to God’s imminent touch. Adam’s touch is interpreted as the birth of the human race. The creation of Adam’s painting by Michelangelo, however, raises questions on the identity of the figures next to God.

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The creation of Adam’s painting by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel ceiling stands out as more than just a painting. The picture is the most famous section of the Chapel ceiling portraying more than the artist’s bold point of view. In Michelangelo’s time, most painters created their art in one specific way. The painting by Michelangelo broke the boundaries set in the field of art and went out of the ordinary. The figure of God and Adam are painted in a somewhat relaxed fashion. The title comes from Adam’s figure appearance of responding to the imminent touch of God. Adam is seen as receiving life directly from the source of which he will, in turn, give to humanity. Michelangelo’s painting cryptic symbols are evident in the choice of God and man figures in the painting.

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The creation of Adam’s painting by Michelangelo is also in Episode 10 of Westworld. As Dolores puts a gun on Ford’s head, Ford subjects Dolores to a bizarre art history lesson. Ford explains that Michelangelo’s painting contains a hidden symbol. Ford’s message is that one of Michelangelo’s painting cryptic symbols, God’s billowing shroud, is the brain. Ford’s message seems to be that consciousness is the real gift that a creator can give its creation. Mesh Berger floated the theory more than two decades ago; thus, it is not an abrupt metaphor by Westworld. Controversies are arising that the shape of the painting by Michelangelo is that of a uterus.

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