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Corporate social responsibility in the tourism sector and hospitality makes a significant contribution to sustainability. CSR involves companies integrating social and environmental concerns in their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders. Also, the cooperation is voluntary. Several essential strategy papers serve as guidelines for integrating CSR measures. The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism sets the reference frame for the responsible and sustainable development of tourism. Child protection in tourism is another critical CSR related issue. The UNWTO has established a Task Force that focuses on preventing the sexual exploitation of minors and children trafficking. Today, therefore, many international hotel chains have incorporated Corporate social responsibility in the hospitality sector and tourism.

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Corporate social responsibility in the tourism sector and hospitality has ensured the incorporation of sustainability principles in business operations. CSR involves solving key issues affecting tour operators. The key topics include climate change, changes in consumer behavior, and increased costs. Many operators are undertaking CSR measures in both the UK and Canada. However, CSR is not currently embedded or integrated into business practices. Factors affecting CSR include the ownership structure of mass tour operators, which varies widely between the UK and Canada. Operators may seek to engage their employees in corporate social responsibility in the hospitality sector to increase retention and loyalty.

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Corporate social responsibility in the tourism sector and hospitality attracts and earns guest’s loyalty and also retains employees. People want to work for a company with a positive impact. Employees will have higher job satisfaction, which means a lower employee turnover rate for businesses.  Additionally, through eco-friendly initiatives, CSR in the hospitality sector is more efficient for operators. Last year, 65% of global travelers expressed an intent to stay in eco-friendly accommodation. Community service is another way one can become socially responsible through CSR. Melia Zanzibar recently got an award for their services to the community. Lastly, the award was for the implementation of CSR measures in their Global corporate social responsibility model.

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