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Developing a performance statement and quality assurance surveillance plan has recently increased due to the army’s reliance on contracts. The first step in developing a performance statement is discussing the four primary components in developing a performance statement. The first step is the most critical since it involves the planning of the performance work statement. Careful preparation makes better use of resources and obtains the service required to support the Soldiers and mission. Identifying the desired results is the third step, and also a critical step in the performance statement. Results are what the acquisition intends to accomplish, and therefore identifying them is crucial. Developing a performance statement and quality assurance surveillance plan is, consequently, necessary for the overall mission of the military.

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Developing a performance statement and quality assurance surveillance plan is essential in evaluating the contract work. There are, therefore, five methods of surveillance inspection. The planned sampling inspections method evaluates a portion of the work as the basis for appraising the Contractor’s performance. The planning of the performance work statement is similar to the planning sampling inspection method.100% inspection is the second surveillance inspection method that requires a complete 100% inspection of major contract requirements. Unscheduled inspection is where the demand is not critical and, therefore, does not require a planned inspection approach. Validated customer complaints and random sampling techniques are also methods contained in the quality assurance surveillance plan.

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Developing a performance statement and quality assurance surveillance plan relates to Operational Contract Support. OCS relies on three types of contracts, which are theater, external, and systems. Deployed forces usually issue theater contracts for use during contingency operations and planning of the performance work statement. External contracts are issued by contracting agencies outside deployed theaters for broad force support. Lastly, Systems contracts support major weapon systems or support systems. The advantages of the contracts include the fact that they support military forces in all types of operations. The application of OCS requires developing a performance statement for contract management and contract integration.

For more information on the three types of contracts for planning of the performance work statement, click

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