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This paper analyzes SOC221 human nutrition and obesity in children. Human nutrition is the general science of food and how it is related to health. Obesity prevalence is significantly higher in children with poor nutrition habits. Most children do not consume fruits and green vegetables but highly consume soft drinks, bakery products, and high-fat foods. Also, physical activities among children correlate with obesity prevalence.  The social perception of eating behavior is a great contributor to child obesity.
SOC221 human nutrition and obesity in children


Proper SOC221 human nutrition is important in the following ways. It reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Proper nutrition also reduces the risk of high blood pressure among adults and improves the well-being of individuals and their mental state. Proper nutrition reduces the risk of obesity in children and increases their energy level. It improves the ability of the body to recover from illnesses and injury by consumption of green vegetables and fruits. Low consumption of high-fat foods deduces the amount of cholesterol in the body.
importance of proper SOC221 human nutrition


The following factors cause obesity in children. Genetics is one of the biggest factors. A child from a family with a history of obesity is likely to have the same condition. The activity level of children also causes obesity, less active children with most time spent on sedentary behavior have less time to engage in physical activities. Environmental factors like the lifestyle of a child contribute to the risk of obesity. Excessive consumption of snacks and high-fat foods causes an increase in cholesterol levels in children’s bodies which causes obesity. Lastly, family factors like the foods available in a house greatly contribute to SOC221 human nutrition of the child, a high amount of sugary foods in the house leads to their excessive consumption.
causes of obesity in children

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