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This paper compares public health systems and public health services. Public health systems are all public, private and voluntary entities that deliver public health services. These entities contribute to the solving of community health problems by providing these services. Public health services however entail the activities practiced by these systems. Thus, these services address health inequalities within the communities for improved health standards.


Public health systems have three core functions. Assessment involves monitoring of environmental and health status to identify and solve community health problems. They also investigate and diagnose environmental health problems and hazards in the community. These systems also ensure policy development where they educate and empower the people about environmental issues. They mobilize community action to solve these problems. They also develop policies and plans to support the community’s environmental health efforts. The third function is assurance. This is where they protect the community and ensure safety. They also link the community to public health services when needed. In assurance, therefore, they also evaluate the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of these services. check functions of public health systems


Essential public health services include the following. Monitoring health status to identify and solve community health problems. They also diagnose public health hazards and prevent injuries. These services also include the prevention of epidemics and the spread of diseases. Promotion and encouragement of the community to observe healthy behaviors is also a service. These services also assist the community in response to disasters and the recovery process. Through the public health systems, they assure a competent public and personal healthcare workforce public health services also include research for insight solutions to health problems. Additional information  essential public health services

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