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This dissertation examines the risk factors of depression and classifications of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that affects the brain and behavior of an individual. Understanding the risk factors is essential for preventing depression. The risk factors of depression include the following. The genetic composition and history of an individual puts one at risk of suffering depression. Many researchers believe that the passing of the condition from one generation to another is possible. Secondly, the loss or death of a loved one is a risk factor for depression. This results from the stress that makes one feel worthless and feel like they have nothing to lose. Additionally, frequent conflicts around an individual’s environment escalate the chances of one suffering from depression. There are effects of depression on the hippocampus.

Read more on the risk factors of depression and classifications of depression at


Depression causes an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain. People usually mistake sadness for depression. It is normal to feel sad and distant once in a while. Although continuous sadness for more than two weeks is what is classified as depression. Specialists have varying parameters for the diagnosis of depressive disorder. The classifications of depression include the following. Major depression is concluded if the patient has more than five symptoms of the condition. Secondly, persistent depressive disorder lasts for two years or longer. It describes two conditions earlier known as dysthymia and chronic major depression. A frequent change in moods characterizes the bipolar disorder. A comprehension of the risk factors of depression is essential for preventing the effects.

Read more on the classification of depression at


The hippocampus is a part of the brain that plays a significant role in the limbic system. It deals with the formation of memories associated with processing emotions and learning. Research continuously compares health controls and hippocampal volumes. Patients with major depressive disorder have lower hippocampal volumes. These volumes are generally lowered by the lengthened periods of depression in individuals. Furthermore, the increased number in the recurrent episodes and earlier age onset of the disorder. As a result, a smaller hippocampus leads to escalated clinical outcomes and effects on brain structures. Therefore, the effects of depression on the hippocampus need close attention to prevent damage to the brain.

Read more on the effects of depression on the hippocampus at

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