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This dissertation examines the President’s Management Agenda and Medicare for all plan. The president’s management agenda incorporates long-term visions essential for the modernization of federal government key areas. This is an initiative for improving agency abilities in fulfilling mission outcomes and exceptional services. As a result, taxpayer’s money is put into efficient use in the economy. In ensuring effective implementation, the management sets Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goals. These goals therefore coordinate and track the implementation process, ensuring it is effective. Besides the agenda focuses on three elements on behalf of the citizens. These elements are mission service and stewardship. Healthcare is one of the topics for political debates that cuts across governments. Therefore, this paper also discusses resource allocation in public healthcare.

Read more on the president’s management agenda and Medicare-for-all plan at


Being that healthcare is a topic in the President’s Management Agenda, it is a critical element for citizens’ wellbeing. Major Democratic contenders in the past have continuously been vocal about improving healthcare coverage services for Americans. However, for example in the recent past campaigns, controversy exist on the implementation of Medicare for all plan. Some democrats argue that Medicare for all achievement is through a single player system. Others argue that it is if implementation is nit through a single-payer system. Moreover, others believe that Medicare for might result in a recipe for political backlash. The debate for healthcare plans plays a key role om animating Democratic presidential nomination. One of the strategies for achieving of the plan is through providing affordable insurance for citizens

Read more on the Medicare for all plan at


The discussion for resource allocation in public healthcare in the United States is triggered by various factors. These factors include rising costs of healthcare that result in budgeting pressures by the government. In some publicly funded institution, resource allocation is a very crucial matter. This is because resource use in one disease is not necessarily compatible with treatment of other disease. For example, Chemotherapy and dialysis equipment are not the same. The Medicare-for-all plan is an example of a strategy for ensuring a large number of citizens’ access to medical care. Most public health investments seek to reduce population health risks. However, some risks are greater than others. Therefore, discussion of healthcare issues and solutions in the President’s Management Plan is very crucial.

Read more on resource allocation in public healthcare at

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