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Practicing international trade allows countries to expand their market and access to goods and services leading to the creation of jobs. Consequently, it makes the market more competitive which makes pricing more competitive and brings cheaper products to the consumer. International trade involves the exchange of goods and services between countries. Moreover, it is the key to the rise of the global economy. Additionally, global trade allows wealthy countries to use their resources such as labor, technology, and capital more efficiently. Also, if a country cannot efficiently produce an item, it can obtain it by trading with another country that can.
practicing international trade and creation of jobs


Primarily, practicing international trade allows countries to specialize in producing only those goods and services that it is good at. Additionally, when a country wants to sell its goods in the international market, it has to produce more than its domestic demand. Resultantly, producing higher volume leads to economies of scale where the cost of production of each item reduces. Moreover, international trade leads to the transfer of technology and the rise of the global economy. The governments in developing nations often set terms for foreign companies that involve developing local manufacturing facilities. Also, the increase in international trade leads to the creation of jobs leading to lower unemployment rates.
 the advantages of practicing international trade


Fundamentally, the creation of jobs is essential to end youth unemployment. Institutions should teach entrepreneurship at every level. Consequently, this leads to the creation of self-reliant and experience free enterprise opportunities which also strengthens the global economy. Also, it is important to boost startup opportunities and encourage risk-taking. Additionally, students should take action on their ideas and put into practice the entrepreneurial lessons that they learn. Moreover, the creation of more small businesses and practicing international trade may also help to create more job opportunities.
 the methods of creation of jobs

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