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Effective servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices enriches the lives of individuals and helps team members in accomplishing common goals. Also, it is a leadership philosophy in which an individual interacts with others either in a management or fellow employee capacity to achieve authority rather than power. Additionally, it involves the individual demonstrating the characteristics of empathy, listening, stewardship, and commitment to personal growth towards others. Moreover, servant leadership is a method of development of leaders. It stresses the importance of the role a leader plays as the steward of the resources of a group.
 effective servant leadership and accomplishing common goals


Primarily, effective servant leadership involves listening to the ideas and complaints of servants. Also, servant leaders should strive to understand and empathize with others. Moreover, they should be aware of the situations, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, and people around them. Ignoring personal weaknesses and those of others may lead to failure in accomplishing common goals. Persuasion is a principle that offers the clearest distinction between the traditional authoritarian leader and that of servant leadership. Additionally, the development of leaders helps them in building a community of people working together to accomplish goals. Furthermore, servant leaders build communities rather than teams.
 the principles of effective servant leadership


Accomplishing common goals requires dedication and focus. Moreover, it begins with the setting of smarter goals. Additionally, it is important to be specific about the goals that align with the values and beliefs of a company. The next step is creating a plan of action. Effective servant leadership enables leaders to instill self-discipline in themselves and among their teams. Furthermore, the development of leaders helps in developing the self-discipline to work towards achieving the common goals. Also, it is essential to leverage the setting of daily goals. Daily goals help teams to focus and stay on track.
 strategies for accomplishing common goals

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