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The play therapy process and play therapy techniques are essential elements in child psychology; children communicate about their problems through play. This is because their language development lags behind their cognitive development. Toys represent the child’s language in child therapy. Therefore, it ii like adult psychotherapy. The children easily express their emotional feeling using the toys.  Moreover, they transfer their fears, anxieties, fantasies and guilt to objects rather than people. The play therapy process allows consideration of new possibilities in children hence expanding their self-expression. It creates a relationship between the therapy and the child for a safe space of expressing feeling. As a result, there are several benefits of play therapy
 play therapy process and paly therapy activities


The play therapy process encourages to express feelings they cannot contextualize in words using toys. It expands to verbal and nonverbal expressions. Therefore, including expressive art forms such as drawing painting, singing and dancing. Some of the play therapy techniques include the following activities. One is emotion expression activities for promoting smooth voicing of feelings. This is achieved through the use of clay, expressing anger and finger painting expressing joy. Secondly, activities for developing social skills: that is how they relate with others. This is facilitated through imaginative pretend plays and puppet shows. Moreover, other activities are ones for building self-esteem, dealing with grief, and improving communication. The next section discusses the benefits of play therapy.
play therapy activities to engage children


Research reveals that over 71% of children undertaking the play therapy process experience positive results. Some children hesitate in the beginning but, with time, develop trust with therapists. As the bond strengthens, children become creative and improve their verbal communication in the play process. There are several benefits of play therapy, including the following. One, improving accountability for children’s behaviours; hence they own up to their mistakes. Secondly, the development of coping strategies and technical problem-solving skills in children is another benefit. Thirdly, children learn the importance of self-respect. Fourthly, play therapy techniques instil a feeling of empathy for others in children. Moreover, it creates stronger family relationships, therefore beneficial also for the adults around the children.
benefit of play therapy in children and some adults

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