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This paper examines substance use disorder and substance abuse treatment programs. Many individuals around the globe are affected by the use of drugs. Substance use disorder is the compulsive use of drugs. In other terms, it is referred to as drug abuse or addiction. The problem arises when the use of substances interferes with one’s ability to perform daily activities actively. Abuse of substance occurs either with a prescription or non-prescription drugs. According to research in 2017, 70, 000 deaths resulted from overdoses and 88,000 from excessive alcohol use. The American Psychiatric Association(APA) expresses substance use disorder as brain illness. Substance abuse affects anyone and is accelerated by some risk factors, including exposure to trauma. There are various physical effects of drug abuse.
substance use disorder and substance abuse treatment


This section gives a deeper understanding of the physical effects of drug abuse. The extensive use of drugs affects various organs and their physiological processes. The extent of the damage is dependent on the type of drug and the frequency of use. For example, the effects of marijuana are lesser than those of alcohol abuse, although they both cause complications. Moreover, the health of the individual abusing the drugs also contribute to the level of damage. There are various substance abuse treatment programs. People with other illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis are highly likely to suffer additional health effects. Conditions arising from substance abuse disorder are lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, chronic bronchitis and heart problems.
physical effects resulting from drug abuse


Substance abuse treatment programs provide valuable remedies to lots of individuals suffering from addiction. Everyone, regardless of ethnicity, culture, race, gender or age, is at the risk of drug abuse. For many individuals, treatment is a life or death situation. These programs aid individuals in returning to normal daily functions and creating healthy family relations. The modes of treatment vary depending on the type of substance abuse disorder and individual’s personalities. The types of treatment are outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization, residential treatment and intensive hospitalization treatment. Also, the treatment cost varies depending on the location, duration and level of luxury. Creating awareness of the physical effects of drug abuse is essential for reducing the number of addicts.
 understanding the various drug abuse treatment programs

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