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on-boarding new hires and its importance

On-boarding new hires are very crucial in all organizations and have a lot of importance. On-boarding employees basically mean socializing new employees in the organization for them to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviors to become productive members of the organization. Also, it is important because it makes them feel wanted and a part of the team. Also, onboarding saves the organization a lot of money and time through training and recruitment. According to research, employees that go through the process are more likely to stay in the organization for a longer time compared to those who do not.

to learn more about other significance of on-boarding new employees 

The best ways of onboarding new hires

The first few days that a new employee is on the job are very crucial. This is where the organization sets its expectations.  Additionally, it drives the employee to have a personal investment in the organization’s goals, vision, and mission. Thus, it is important to utilize the best ways available to on-board new hires/ employees. These include things like creating a playbook for the employee to get a clear picture of what the organization is all about. Secondly, it is important to set an attainable 90-day goal to give them actionable items and direction from the initial stages.

Key features and importance of  On-boarding New hire

There are various key elements that make employee on-boarding a success. For the process to be effective, it must comprise things like providing employee tools and completing new employee paperwork. These are considered to be tactical items that also address organizational cultures that make on-boarding new hires feel welcome. Effective employee onboarding should impassion, enable and enlighten employees. These are the three most crucial elements for a successful process of onboarding new hires. Impassion entails making the new employees passionate towards achieving the business outcomes while enlighten is all about educating them on the various career options available. On the other hand, enable entails allowing the new hires to be productive as earlier as possible.

 to understand these elements and others in details 

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