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Scientists around the world continue to carry out an evaluation of issues and arguments concerning geoengineering. One of the main types of geoengineering approaches is Carbon dioxide removal (CDR). This acts on the cause of global warming. CDR achieves so by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and storing. Therefore, reducing the greenhouse effect. Capturing and storing of Carbon ii Oxide can be done using CDR by artificial trees, large-scale planting of biomass. CDR can fertilize the ocean even though there are emerging issues concerning geoengineering. Another type of geoengineering is solar radiation management (SRM).  This aims to reflect sunlight away from the Earth, thus cooling the planet. SRM would treat one of the climate symptoms, and this contributes to some of the arguments concerning geoengineering. The emerging ways of climate control contribute to the evaluation of issues and arguments concerning geoengineering.

For more information on the types of geoengineering


Some experts suggest that there could be unwanted side effects of infusing the atmosphere with aerosols. For instance, more severe weather when adopting the various types of geoengineering. The Convention on Biological Diversity and the London Convention on the prevention of marine dumping have also weighed in on geoengineering in the past. The list of Switzerland’s co-sponsors shows that climate-vulnerable countries want broader oversight of geoengineering, too, as there are issues concerning geoengineering. Countries with small governments lack the personnel to sift through numerous reports, and they stand to suffer if the practices result in unintended consequences. Climate advocates and progressive countries worry that the existence of tools to cool the atmosphere could blunt interest in climate mitigation. Additionally, raising some arguments concerning geoengineering. Finally, climate talks in world forums continue to focus on the evaluation of issues and arguments concerning geoengineering with no solution yet to be agreed up

For more information on the issues concerning  geoengineering


In the efforts to save the planet from the effects of climate change, scientists have come up with the concept of geoengineering. The idea could save the Earth in theory, but arguments concerning geoengineering exist among various quarters. The proposed geoengineering techniques, when deployed at the necessary massive scale, required a stand to cause significant impacts on the environment’s biodiversity. The fossil fuel industry stands to benefit from the use of geoengineering techniques as they capture and store carbon. Weaponization is possible as some types of geoengineering have a military origin to control temperature and rain patterns. Proponents of geoengineering recognize that some places will benefit from intentional atmospheric changes, and others will suffer. The evaluation of issues and arguments concerning geoengineering by various proponents points to a catastrophe in the use of the methods. Therefore, the issues concerning geoengineering include the fact that there will be billions of losers.

For more information on the arguments concerning geoengineering

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