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The Silk Road facilitated Buddhism transmission into china and the onset of the pure land tradition. Also, the Silk Road allowed for missionaries, and pilgrims began to travel between China, Central Asia, and India. In 2 B.C., there was the first record of Buddhism transmission into China. The Han emperor Mingdi’s dreamed about Buddha. In 68 A.D., and sent his official to Central Asia to learn more about Buddhism. Furthermore, Zhiyi’s contribution to Chinese Buddhism followed through his scripture works. After three years, China had Buddhist monks and their ways of worship. A few years later, there was the establishment of a Buddhist community in Loyang, the capital, itself leading to the rise of the pure land tradition in China.

For more information on Buddhism transmission into China


Zhiyi lived in a mountain in southeastern called Tiantai and taught Buddhism in the 6th century. The most significant of Zhiyi’s contribution to Chinese Buddhism was the development of the chief scripture known as Lotus Sutra. The school in Japan was introduced into Japan in 806 by Saicho, known posthumously as Dengyō Daishi. Furthermore, the underlying philosophical doctrine is the triple truth, and it led to Buddhism transmission into china. Furthermore, the doctrine states that all things lack ontological reality and they, have a temporary existence. Things are also simultaneously unreal and temporarily existing—being the middle, or absolute, truth, which includes and yet surpasses the others. The three truths are mutually inclusive. All these contribute to Buddhism transmission into China and the pure land tradition.

For more information on Zhiyi’s contribution to Chinese Buddhism


Pure land Buddhism offers a way to enlightenment for people who can’t handle the subtleties of meditation, endure long rituals or live, especially good lives. With Buddhism transmission into China, an essential practice in pure land Buddhism. The practice involved chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha with total concentration trusting that one will be reborn in the pure eloped land. The tradition has elements that include faith, trust, and a personal relationship with Buddha regarded as a savior. Additionally, the Pure land tradition adds mystical aspects to the basic Buddhist teachings, which make the instructions more comfortable to work with anytime. Those who believed in Buddha developed a strong belief in the pure land, which offered a stepping stone towards enlightenment and liberation. Finally, Zhiyi’s contribution to Chinese Buddhism allowed for Buddhism transmission into China and the pure land tradition growing and accommodating every Chinese.

For more information on pure land transmission

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