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OM006 management skills and accountability in leadership are important for all organizations. Management skills are attributes or abilities that an executive should possess to fulfill tasks in an organization. They include the capacity to perform executive duties in an organization while avoiding crises and promptly solving problems when they occur. Additionally, these skills can develop through learning and practical experience as a manager. Accountability on the other hand occurs when individuals reliably deliver on their commitments, showing others they can be trusted to do what they say they’ll do. Additionally, leaders demonstrate this by taking responsibility for the outcomes of their actions.

Read more on OM006 managerial skills and accountability in leadership at;


There are three main types of OM006 management skills. Technical skills involve skills that give the managers the ability and knowledge to use various techniques. For instance, operating machines, soft wares, and product tools. Secondly, conceptual skills involve skills that managers present in terms of knowledge and ability for abstract thinking and formulation of ideas. This helps to enhance accountability in leadership. Besides, it also helps to effectively predict hurdles that could occur at work. Lastly, human and interpersonal skills are skills that enable the manager to interact, work and relate effectively with people. These skills, therefore, enable the manager to motivate their employees for better results.

Read more on the types of OM006 management skills at;


Accountability in leadership is important since it builds trust which is essential in any relationship. Essentially, it means that a leader will admit and make amends in case trust is broken. Lt also improves performance since it eliminates the time and effort spent on distracting activities and other unproductive behavior this helps to put the right people for the right job and brings about excellence at work. Besides, it helps to improve the OM006 management skills of the leader since it makes them more responsible and answerable at work. Additionally, it promotes ownership where people take account of their behavior and mistakes hence brings in a positive d=feedback and corrective actions.

Read more on the importance of accountability in leadership at;

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