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During the critical analysis process, thinking and reasoning skills help to come up with a conclusion. Thinking and reasoning skills not only denote the well-established acritical thinking skills but also a more extensive range of thinking skills including problem-solving, information processing, and creative thinking. The critical analysis process involves subjective writing since it expresses the writer’s opinion or evaluation of a situation or a task. Besides, the analysis involves breaking down the task into small parts. The process requires critical reading and critical writing. The critical analysis, therefore, examines an article or other work to determine its effectiveness.

Read more on thinking and reasoning skills for critical analysis at;


The critical analysis process involves three main steps. These are reading critically, analyzing the text, and rafting the analysis. Critical reading requires carefully reading the sources while taking notes. Reading is done more than once for complicated texts. Through reading, a writer can identify the thesis statement and note the main ideas while reading. Moreover, it is important to underline or highlight these ideas. Analyzing the text involves thinking about a response to the text. This, therefore, requires thinking and reasoning skills. This enables a person to understand the author’s concept in the text and see its effectiveness. Drafting an analysis is the last step and it includes an introduction, thesis statement, a summary, a body, and a conclusion.

Read more on the steps in the critical analysis process at;


In the world of education, thinking and reasoning skills are important for students. This is because they impact a student’s stability to learn from new experiences and information. It also determines how they will comprehend, evaluate and accept claims and arguments. Additionally, these skills facilitate the critical analysis process since most educative material from books and excerpts require the students to reason. This helps them to come up with an appropriate conclusion. Moreover, these skills are crucial in the generation and maintenance of beliefs and viewpoints which are coherent to the relevant knowledge.

Read more on the importance of thinking and reasoning skills in education at;

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