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This essay discusses the NURS 6521 causes of asthma and the procedural management of asthma. Asthma is a chronic disorder. People with asthma should understand the underlying triggers, medication, and other asthma management strategies. Managing asthma occurs in four steps. Firstly, we identify and minimize contact with asthma triggers. After that, it is important to understand about prescribed medicine for each type of asthma. The third step is to monitor the condition and recognize when it is getting worse. Lastly, we should understand what to do when asthma gets worse. The treatment and management of asthma involve several components, like using objective measures of lung function. Another is the use of medication therapy for reversing and preventing airway inflammation.
Read more on the causes of asthma and the procedural management of asthma at 


Some of the triggers and causes of asthma include infections, irritants, air pollution, smoking, and some medications like aspirin. They cause airway blockage and irritability and inflammation in the lungs. The management of asthma, thus, requires asthma patients to keep away from these triggers. This means avoiding allergens like pollens, pet dander, and mold. They should also check on their diet and know which foods to avoid. For example, there are some food additives found in dried fruits that trigger asthma symptoms. There are different triggers for each type of asthma with different effects. The effects include coughing, tightness, wheezing, shortness of the breath, and trouble sleeping.
Read more on the triggers, symptoms, and causes of asthma at 


Some of the types of asthma are allergic, seasonal, occupational, and non-allergic asthma. Allergens such as dust and pets cause allergic asthma. Most people with allergic asthma have related conditions like fever and other food allergies. The causes of asthma may be similar for different types, but for some people, symptoms occur at different times of the year. This is called seasonal asthma. Occupational asthma results from the specific work a person engages in. The management of asthma is also different for the different types of asthma. For example, avoiding or reducing exercise levels helps to manage exercise-induced asthma. Sometimes, asthma is difficult to manage because of other health issues, including allergies.
Read more on the different types of asthma attacks at 

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