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There are numerous debates on the COMU1050 concept of churnalism in balancing media and communication. Churnalism is where journalists skip independent research to produce news based on pre-packaged press-releases. Waseem Zakir first used the term in 2008 while working for the BBC. The most evident impact of churnalism is lesser journalists doing their own reporting and checking facts for themselves. Nowadays, most of the articles from major newspapers and journals have information from second-hand material. Many new companies are adopting the concept of churnalism to cut costs. Political parties and public relations companies are happy to provide content for free because they can effectively promote their views.
 COMU 1050 concept of churnalism in balancing media and communication at 


Critics of churnalism argue that there is a massive impact of churnalism on the influential capacity of public relations. Churnalism can also reduce the effectiveness of particular messages due to the use of different words. A new website ( in the UK highlights similarities of more than 20 percent in newspaper content. However, the concept of churnalism affects journalists’ credibility, as well. Journalists and public relations (PR) professionals must work together to achieve the common goal of providing information to the public. PR professionals enjoy the most benefit from media and communication. This is because their information receives the third-party endorsement of established mass-media channels. Journalists benefit from additional information, given the diminishing nature of journalistic resources.
PR and the impact of churnalism


Apart from the concept of churnalism, there are other significant trends in media and communication. For example, there are less mass media audiences and more audience control and an increased number of platforms for content delivery. The era of the digital revolution is more about selective audiences. This results from the increased number of media outlets. As part of the impact of churnalism, audiences are inclining more toward more diversified content. Churnalism creates different versions of released information. This, therefore, means that the audience has more control over what to view. Therefore, in a way, they control what they want the media presents.
trends in media and communication

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