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NUR2520 anxiety disorder is a mental problem that greatly benefits from the management of stress. It differs from normal feelings of anxiety as it involves excessive fear. Additionally, it is a common disorder among adults at some point in their lives. However, it is treatable and several effective treatments are available. Furthermore, this treatment helps people to lead normal and productive lives. Anxiety is an anticipation of a future concern and it involves muscle tension and avoidance behavior. Additionally, anxiety disorder causes people to try avoiding situations that worsen or trigger their symptoms. Consequently, this may affect schoolwork, personal relationships, and job performance.

Read more on NUR2520 anxiety disorder and management of stress at;


Primarily, there are several types of NUR2520 anxiety disorder. General anxiety disorder makes someone feel excessive and unrealistic worry and tension with very little or no reason. Panic disorder causes a sudden and intense feeling of fear that brings about a panic attack. The management of stress helps to reduce the consequences of a panic attack. Social anxiety disorder causes overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. This affects the normal and productive lives of a person as it causes obsessive to worry about what other people are thinking.

Read more on the types of NUR2520 anxiety disorder at;


In the management of stress, it is important to avoid unnecessary stress to help in preventing other complications such as NUR2520 anxiety disorder. This is by avoiding people that stress you out and taking control of the environment. It is also essential to avoid or alter stressful situations. Moreover, a person should figure out how to change things so that the situation does not present itself in the future. This enables a person to live a normal and productive life. Also, a person should adopt to stressful situations and regain a sense of control by changing the expectations and attitude.

Read more on the common methods of the management of stress at;

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