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The sustainability in business and the measurement of progress are critical aspects to ensure the survival of a business. Business sustainability is the management and coordination of the social, environmental, and financial demands of a business to ensure ethical, responsible, and ongoing success. Moreover, it focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the future. Furthermore, it consists of three pillars. These are economic, environmental, and social. It encourages businesses to frame decisions in terms of social, environmental, and human impacts for the long-term. Similarly, measurement of progress is an important element that helps in improving the daily business operations leading to exponential growth in profits.

Read more on sustainability in business and measurement of progress at;


Sustainability in business helps to ensure a livable future. Additionally, it guides the daily business operations to ensure the survival of the business. Furthermore, having sustainable models of operations places a business ahead of its competition. Also, sustainability helps a business to carry out its operations with minimal waste. This helps to ensure a healthy and safe ecosystem and creates a better place for future generations. Moreover, the measurement of progress helps to create long-term sustainability and building resiliency for the future state.

Read more on the importance of sustainability in business at;


Measurement of progress and developing a continuous improvement program in the daily business operations may help a business to increase its profits. Additionally, progress measurement helps to spot weaknesses and create remedies to ensure the sustainability in business. Also, it helps a business to focus on its strengths hence ensuring that it remains better than others. Tracking sales, marketing, production, and labor helps to determine the areas that a business is performing well. Additionally, measurement of progress also helps to motivate employees as they see their contribution to the success of the business. This also improves job satisfaction.

Read more on the importance of measurement of progress at;

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