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This dissertation discusses the importance of operations management and operational performance objectives. Operations management encompasses planning, implementing, and supervising the production of goods or services. The sole importance of operations management is to deliver the desired products and services to clients while also ensuring that all parties involved are adhering to the policies presented by the management of the company. The other functions include; Product or service quality, Correctly-functioning processes, Market competitiveness, Technological advances, Profitability, product design, finance planning, eliminate waste, strategy development, and forecasting. The levels of operation management: strategic, tactical, and operations are vital in setting, implementing, and achieving company goals. Generally, operation management is aimed at boosting the overall company’s productivity, minimizing costs, and achieving operational performance objectives.

Read more on Importance of Operation Management and operational performance objectives at


Over time, there are current trends in operations management that foster the importance of operations management. This includes trends such as business process reengineering which helps companies revamp their organizations from the ground up. Lean, Six Sigma, and Agile manufacturing focused on efficient, adaptable production. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems, which help achieve the flexibility and adaptability of operational performance objectives as a result of sudden market changes. Behavioral operations management, which focuses on human behavior since it relates to levels of operation management. Sustainability, or maintaining ecologically-minded practices, under changing laws. Computer-aided design and manufacturing making the operations way more efficient. Shrinking product life cycle, synergy with supply chain management, mass customization, and lastly green manufacturing.

Read more on Current Trends in Operations Management at


Operational performance objectives are the areas of operational performance that a company tries to improve, to meet its corporate strategy. They include speed, quality, costs, flexibility, and dependability. Speed measures how fast a company can manufacture and therefore deliver its products. This is a vital importance of operations management. Quality measures how well a product conforms to specifications such as desirable features, reliability, durability, and functionality. Costs determine variation in the unit cost of a product measured by both changes in volume and variety of products. Flexible operations can adjust the product lines hence deal with changing requirements. Dependability is in terms of timely delivery of products to customers, per planned prices. The levels of operation management are therefore important in achieving operational performance objectives.

Read more on Objectives of Operational Performance at

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