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In the movie ‘Remember the Titans’, the two leaders try to motivate the team in different ways. One doe it intrinsically while the other motivates them extrinsically. Team behavior included forgetting their differences and playing as one. This improved the effect of good leadership in the film, Remember the Titans”. This continued even after losing their captain before the final match. Team members had to work together and respect each other. This was achieved by setting rules and punishing players when they were wrong. It helped the coach of the team to control it through power. Various uses of power in the film enhanced the success of the team. The team’s love for the game was a motivating factor as well. However, communication and race were some of the problems that faced the team in the film.

For more information on leadership and team, behavior visit 


In the movie, “Remember the Titans”, The Titans used oral communication a lot, there were a lot of speeches and group discussions which helped the team succeed. This is part of the effect of good leadership in the film. I feel that if the communication was done by memos or letters, it wouldn’t have been the same. Instead, it would only add to the problems that faced the team in the film. I also saw a lot of non-verbal communication in the film, Remember the Titans”, there were stares and glances between the coaches out in the field, you could tell that there were disagreements because of these facial expressions. Such instances capture the uses of power in the movie “Remember the Titans”.

For more information on interpersonal communication visit 


In the movie, “Remember the Titans”,  Titans went through the five stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning in the film. They were successful, which is a positive effect of good leadership in the film. Formation of stages by the school district’s choice to integrate the schools and to place Coach Boone as the head coach. They stormed, they had conflicts and they went camping before the start of the season to sort these conflicts out. This helped them solve some of the problems that faced the team in the film. . Through good leadership, the uses of power in the film, Remember the Titans”, which proved to be very successful.

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