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For this  Rhetorical research paper, we will use the Tiger Woods apology as an artifact. Tiger extramarital affairs became the center of public attention starting November 2009. Woods also crashed his vehicle into a tree and a fire hydrant in a morning incident. This is how the media speculation about the accident in relation to his extra-marital affair grew in leaps. As an alternative tactic in media, he said that he apologized for his transgressions. He also claimed that the situation was ultimately personal and was a family matter. It was from that time there emerged several news shows and pundits to comment on his statement giving their opinions and criticisms. For this analysis, the rhetorical situation of the apology is discussed.

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Woods’s apology is a  perfect apology for a rhetoric analysis. Firstly, he was reluctant to give any real explanation, but as an alternative media in the rhetoric, he talked in general terms concerning his irresponsible and selfish behavior. Rhetorically, this is important because of the lack of an explanation leaving many people with questions.  One such question is the understanding of his actions being erroneous. Additionally, Tiger did not take liability for his actions.  Therefore, this becomes the rhetorical situation of the apology. For instance, he provided details about how his foundation has helped society. He attacked his accusers for pursuing him and his family. Therefore, we can use this analysis to label the apology as an artifact.


Analysis of the Tiger Woods apology as an artifact brings about its application. An apology is a combination of four factors which are differentiation, denial, transcendence, and bolstering. Differentiation is the act of stating that the wrong action does not apply to the situation in a bid to separate the negative contents from the charge or to put aside those negative issues. Denial is denying the wrongdoing or the intention to do wrong. Bolstering is the tendency of the speaker to identify with something that is favored by the audience. This brings about the rhetorical situation of the Tiger Woods apology. Woods used these four factors as alternate media in the rhetoric.

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