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This dissertation analyses MGMT3070 challenges managers face in building organizational culture. Managers often face various challenges in their day to operations. Prior recognition is essential for boosting managers and enhancing their leadership skills. The following include some of the challenges they face. Employee performance sometimes varies, thus affecting the productivity of other employees. Secondly, understaffing leads to under-utilization of resources. Moreover, time is wasted on hiring new employees instead of use in important activities in the organizations. Thirdly, lack of effective communication is another challenge that leads to loss of direction in the organization. Additionally, the absence of a clear organizational structure leads to confusion. There are various growth strategies in business management.

Read more on the challenges managers face in building organizational behavior at


Organizational culture is the integration of beliefs, values, and practices that determine members of an organization’s actions. It is an integral part of the functionality of an organization. There are various ways of building organizational culture, including the following. One is by creating a welfare kitty to support employees in their times of need. For example, creating a family fund for catering to a temporary home in the case of fire. Secondly, recognizing employee efforts by awarding those doing relatively better than others. Also, by undertaking Corporate Social Responsibility activities that give back to the community. Addressing MGMT3070 challenges managers face is a significant step in promoting an effective organizational culture.

Read more on the process of building organizational culture at


Growth is one of the major goals of companies. A company’s strategy for growth depends on the financial position, competition levels, and government regulations. The growth strategies in business management include the following. One is the market penetration strategy applicable in an existing market. The entity uses existing products for this strategy. Secondly, market expansion involves the sale of existing products in a new market. Thirdly, product expansion is the sale of a new product in a new market. Lastly, diversification, which is the riskiest, is selling new products in new markets. Additionally, the acquisition of other companies and forming mergers are other growth strategies. These growth strategies facilitate the building of an organizational culture that is efficient.

Read more on growth strategies in business management at

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