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This research paper analyses managerial communication issues and overcoming language barrier in organizations. Effective communication skills are essential for achieving organizational goals and objectives. Communication skills are a significant requirement for all managers, whether new or long-term serving. The following are the communication problems arising among managers in organizations. One is poor listening skills, whereby they don’t pay the required attention to communication taking place. As a result, they miss out on important information. Secondly is the tendency to talk over when others are still talking, thus causing interruptions. Additionally, information overload, noise from the background, and language barrier are other issues. Therefore, managing these issues is essential for the realization of the importance of effective communication.

Read more on managerial communication issues and overcoming language barrier at


Communication is the bridge that allows continuity of any relationship. However, the process of communication may face some barriers. One of these barriers is the language barrier.  It is one of the causes of managerial communication issues. The managers, therefore, cannot adequately comprehend the communication taking place. Language not only applies when the message is in a foreign language but also when terminologies are not clear. Some of the ways of overcoming language barrier include the following.  One is the use of plain language that is easily comprehendible. Secondly, using a translator is effective when the communication involves a foreign language. Additionally, providing classes for managers learning the languages is another remedy for language barrier.

Read more on the ways of overcoming language barrier in organizations at


Communication is an important element in maintaining a healthy relationship in the organization. Involvement and engagement of employees in activities improve their communication with other outside entities. The importance of effective communication are several and include the following. It sets a clear expectation of employees in their day to day activities. Secondly, it provides a basis for building strong and long-lasting relationships. Thirdly it encourages teamwork, which results in increased productivity levels. Moreover, through effective communication, employees share ideas and innovations among themselves. Therefore, Implementing the remedies for managerial communication issues is crucial for an effective communication process in organizations.

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