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Managing international employees and managing global workforce options can be broken down into three categories. One category is managing employees overseas, while the second category involves hiring someone overseas to manage the employees. The last category of managing foreign employees is partnering with a PEO that will handle your overseas employees. Setting up a chain-of-command, for example, an overseas manager might be valuable to a business. Hiring a manager in an overseas country is additionally beneficial since they will also be more familiar with the laws. It’s also going to be easier for them to monitor and hire foreign workers for your company. Managing international employees and managing a global workforce is important due to the many benefits of hiring workers overseas.

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Managing international employees and managing a global workforce is now more accessible through telecommuting. Telecommuting has made it easier for businesses to operate on a worldwide scale. For managers, however, that means they might have employees scattered around the world, which poses a unique challenge. One tip of managing a global workforce is the need to travel. If you have a global workforce, it’s essential to get out to the other workers and spend time with them. Even with the wealth of communication tools at hand, one still wants to get face time with the workers. It is hard enough to instill company culture in a local office, let alone foreign employees scattered around the globe.

For more information on tips for managing a global workforce, click


Managing international employees and managing a global workforce presents a host of challenges to experienced and novice managers alike. Some rules of management still apply for local and global management. Monitoring employees’ performance on the other side, however, presents a unique set of challenges. Strong communication skills are essential for managing foreign employees. You want to write correct and efficient emails when communicating with your employees overseas. If you do not share a common native language, clarity is especially outstanding. As a side note, managers should avoid idioms or any slang that may not translate well. Also, communication may take longer because you may only have a few free hours in the business. For managing a global workforce, the emails should thus be highly effective.

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