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Aldous Huxley, the author of the brave new world, predicted 2018 in his novel more than any novel has ever done. His book warns us of the dangers of mass media and passivity. Additionally, the book talks of how even an intelligent population gets driven to choose dictatorship over freedom gladly. The new world by Aldous Huxley illustrates the nightmare world that we have moved towards over the last century. The novel is a description of a nightmare society where everybody is perfectly happy all the time. Genetic engineering and Pavlovian conditioning are keeping everybody entertained continuously, thus sustaining the perfect life with endless distractions. Aldous Huxley, the author of the brave new world, has his ideas on a light-handed totalitarian dictatorship.

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Aldous Huxley, the author of the brave new world, was concerned with the little say people in the society. The little to say, people in the society included those who were at the mercy of an all-powerful elite. His idea of the helpless masses is still a common theme in our own popular culture. The director of the first authorized stage dramatization of the Brave New World novel reflects on the novel’s concepts. The reflection includes why its human-centred vision is more relevant than ever in today’s selfish, technology-led consumer society. Huxley predicted, for instance, how technology in the control of powerful elites can control our decision-making. The new world by Aldous Huxley also predicted pornography, the commercialization of sex, advertising, and reality TV.

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Education shaped Aldous Huxley, the author of the brave new world. In his book, we find the world in the hands of 10 World Controllers. The controllers administer a global society, bred in test tubes, and tranquillized by the mind-numbing drug soma. The new world by Aldous Huxley was published in London in 1932 by the Bloomsbury-conscious imprint, Chatto & Windus. As the author of a radical future vision of a society, he was in demand and became a guru. In the US, Huxley’s humanism and pacifism were taken up by subsequent generations of socially radical innovators. Lastly, the assassination of Kennedy brought a domestic political tragedy that overshadowed the death of the brave new world author.

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