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Legal problem solving and human rights assessment are vital in every country. Besides, corrupt acts can have short- and long-term detrimental effects on human rights. However, it would be inaccurate to conclude that all acts of corruption always cause identifiable human rights violation. In fact, the legal problem solving and work of development economists do not necessarily demonstrate that corruption causes human rights violation. Instead, it generally shows that corruption negatively correlates with government expenditure on education and healthcare. Moreover, human rights assessment proves that such a correlation does not necessarily exist in every society. Additionally, it might depend on factors such as economic environment, independence of the judiciary and the country’s regime type and history.


An important educational issue in legal higher education is the integration of skills into the undergraduate curriculum. Law students often learn the stages of legal problem solving in law school. However, legal professionals are known for being problem solvers. Typically, they handle these issues with ease. Besides, their education and training enable them to apply significant rules to a given set of facts to achieve an appropriate solution. Most importantly, whether it’s a legal issue, personality issue, or others, human rights assessment is core to their judgement. Nevertheless, identifying the problem is a useful tactic for solving problems that impact multiple people. Besides other methods, a great way to problem-solve in the legal setting is to set goals and embrace independence of the judiciary.

Read more about developing legal problem-solving skills at


Engagement with rights-holders and other stakeholders is essential in legal problem solving. A thorough assessment of human rights impacts is unlikely to be possible or effective if purely depends on desktop research. Instead, it should involve requiring background research and fieldwork. Stakeholder engagement, therefore, situates as the core cross-cutting component in the guidance. Thus, the human rights assessment requires meaningful participation of the significant stakeholders. Additionally, the process should have a non-discrimination policy so that every individual receives fair judgement. Moreover, transparency and accountability are vital to the course. The use of human rights standards entirely depends on independence of the judiciary to promote empowerment.

Read more about introduction to human rights assessment at 

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