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This essay discusses leadership vs. management and types of leadership styles. Management refers to the process of overseeing and supervising systems, budgets, and tasks. Alternatively, leadership is the ability to influence others towards achieving organizational and personal goals. The functions of management include planning, directing, controlling, and implementing strategies to achieve overall organizational goals. Therefore, leadership is an essential component of the management process. Organizations require robust leadership and effective management for optimal organizational efficiency. Providently, a manager must possess leadership qualities to oversee organization activities. Leaders apply different types of leadership styles in directing employees toward goal achievement. Thus, both leaders and managers should set a direction followed by employees in ensuring efficiency and optimum utilization of resources. In conclusion, both effective leadership and management are essential for an individual as well as organizational success.

Read more on leadership vs. management and  types of leadership styles at


This section discusses the differences between leadership vs. management. Managers lay down the structure and delegate authority and responsibility, whereas leaders provide direction and inspiration to employees towards achieving organizational goals. Secondly, the process and functions of management include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, whereas leadership is mainly a part of the directing purpose of management. Thirdly, managers follow the organization’s policies and procedures, whereas leaders follow their instinct towards achieving set goals and objectives. Also, the management process deals with the technical dimension in an organization, while leadership deals with the people aspect of an organization. Lastly, the management process is reactive, whereas leadership is proactive. In conclusion, albeit the variations between the two concepts, the different types of leadership styles are essential for effective management and overall organizational development.

Read more on the differences between leadership vs. management and the functions of management at


Leaders and managers apply different types of leadership styles in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. For instance, Autocratic leaders have absolute control over decisions in the workplace, without any input from employees. Secondly, Laissez-faire leaders allow employees to make decisions and share ideas, although they are still responsible for the decisions made. Thirdly, democratic leaders involve employees in the decision-making process but maintain the final decision-making authority. Lastly, transactional leaders have a clear vision, order, and structure in the workplace. This style inspires innovation and goal achievement, a vital component of leadership vs. management. Each of these leadership styles has its benefits and its drawbacks, and each is more effective in certain workplace types than others. Therefore the functions of management are influenced by the leadership style applied.

Read more on the types of leadership styles at

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